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Life Under Griffon Wings


Where are the released griffon vultures?


In the repopulation action of the Life Under Griffon Wings project, 63 Griffon Wings were released, 6 of which died and 4 were missing, with a survival rate of 84.1% (53 out of 63). The mortality rate was 9.5% (6 out of 63).

 Of the 38 griffins released in 2018, 32 survived (84.2%). The mortality rate concerned only 3 cases (7.9%) of which 2 in 2018 (Pramma and Monteleone) and 1 in 2019 (Bulgarian), while 3 individuals (Crabalza, Cristia and Fenosa) were considered missing (7.9% - see 2018 report).

 Pramma, released on 13 September 2018, died on 6 October 2018 in the territory of Padria (SS) due to septicaemia following a limb laceration, Monteleone, also released on 13 September 2018, was electrocuted on 9 September 2018 in the territory of Pozzomaggiore and Bulga, released on 14 April 2018, died due to a collision in the territory of Pozzomaggiore on 31/07/2019. 

 In 2019 25 Griffon vultures (22 Spanish and 3 Dutch) were released in addition to the 38 individuals (36 from Spain and 2 from the Netherlands) released during 2018 for a total of 63 individuals.

 A first group, made up of 13 Griffon vultures, was released on June 25th at the Monte Minerva set up carnaio and of these 2 have died (Maddalena and Bosa). The other 11 were sighted several times in the breeding and feeding habitat of north-western and central-northern Sardinia.

 The second group, made up of 12 griffon vultures, was released on October 22nd at the Monte Minerva set up carnaio and of these 1 was recovered and hospitalized at the Centre of Bonassai (Filighe), where he later died, and 1 (Pedrasenta), marked but without GPS, was never sighted in the following months (Nov/Dec 2019-Jan/Feb 2020).

 Of the 25 Griffon vultures released in 2019, 21 individuals were observed until the end of the year and in the first two months of 2020, 3 died (Maddalena, Bosa and Filighe) and 1 (Pedrasenta), marked but without GPS, was never sighted in the following months (Nov/Dec 2019-Jan/Feb 2020).